Voters approve Carthage ISD bond propositions
A $12 million bond was approved by voters for maintenance and technology updates at Carthage ISD.
CARTHAGE, Texas — Two Carthage ISD bond propositions were approved by voters Tuesday during the general election. Both Proposition A and Proposition B passed with 60% approval.
Proposition A includes $9 million for maintenance improvements. Superintendent John Wink says the district will be performing a study to develop a 10-year master plan for projects.
“There will be different projects that will be inside the building to improve buildings such as painting inside the rooms, replacement of ceiling tiles as they become worn,” he explained. “We also take care of the exterior of buildings — HVAC units, parking lots, also security enhancements which means upgrading our locks.”
With $3 million, Proposition B will be used to upgrade technology such as desktop computers, printers, software licensing, instructional licensing, and general technology repairs. Wink says he’s excited to be able to purchase Chromebooks for students.
“We had a goal for the last two years to become a one-to-one district, where every student has access to a Chromebook in their classroom or they’re issued to our students in upper-grade levels,” Wink said. “Our plan is to have a replacement cycle where we continue to provide Chromebooks to our students.”
While tax dollars will be used to pay for the bond, the school district’s tax rate remains the same at $1.1964, which is down from the previous year’s $1.21 rate.
“What’s very important for taxpayers to understand, is that the only way that your taxes would increase is if your property value increased,” Wink said.
Now that the bond propositions were approved, the district plans to meet with an advisor to learn how to go out and sell the bonds, “to begin to have projects scheduled that will be starting later on in the school year.”