San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 11-03-2020 | News
Here is today’s COVID-19 update from the County Health and Human Services Agency with data through Nov. 2.
State Metrics:
- San Diego County’s state-calculated, adjusted case rate is currently 6.5 per 100,000 residents. Limit for Tier 2, the Red Tier, is 7.0.
- The testing positivity percentage is 3.5%, placing it in Tier 3 or the Orange Tier.
- The state’s health equity metric looks at the testing positivity for areas with the lowest healthy conditions.
- The County’s health equity testing positivity percentage is 5.1%. This metric does not move counties to more restrictive tiers but is required to advance.
- The California Department of Public Health assesses counties on a weekly basis. The next report is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 4, due to Election Day today.
Community Setting Outbreaks:
- Five new community outbreaks were confirmed on Nov. 2: two in business settings, two in restaurant/bar settings and one in a healthcare setting.
- In the past seven days (Oct. 27 through Nov. 2), 31 community outbreaks were confirmed.
- The number of community outbreaks remains above the trigger of seven or more in seven days.
- A community setting outbreak is defined as three or more COVID-19 cases in a setting and in people of different households over the past 14 days.
- 8,200 tests were reported to the County on Nov. 2, and the percentage of new laboratory-confirmed cases was 4%.
- The 14-day rolling average percentage of positive cases is 3%. Target is less than 8.0%.
- The 7-day, daily average of tests is 11,469.
- People with and without symptoms who are at higher risk for COVID-19 should be tested. Healthcare and essential workers should also get a test, as well as people who had close contact to a positive case or live in communities that are being highly impacted.
- 293 new cases were confirmed among San Diego County residents on Nov. 3. The region’s total is now 57,702.
- 3,968 or 6.9% of all cases have required hospitalization.
- 918 or 1.6% of all cases and 23.1% of hospitalized cases had to be admitted to an intensive care unit.
- 10 new deaths were reported in the County on Nov. 2. The region’s total is now 901.
- Six men and four women died between Oct. 6 and Nov. 2. Their ages ranged from late 40s to late 80s.
- All but one had underlying medical conditions.
More Information:
The more detailed data summaries found on the County’s website will be updated around 5 p.m. today.
Read More: San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 11-03-2020 | News