Letter: Meanwhile, wear a mask, guys – Opinion – Monroe News – Monroe, Michigan
The Michigan Supreme Court has spoken – by a one-vote margin – and the void awaits. In ruling that Gov. Whitmer lacks the unilateral power to sustain emergency orders beyond 28 days, the expectation is now that Whitmer and the Republican-held Legislature will work together to coordinate COVID-19 policies and action.
We’ll see how that works out, and when. In the meantime, it’s “Katie bar the door.” It seems that no one knows — knows at all — what will result from an immediate dissolution of all pertinent executive orders and secondary orders thereto.
This should be fun. Not.
Irrespective of that, any notion of “rights” — regarding mask wearing — are not even remotely “violated” by business owners requiring masks in their places of business, and to do so without consequence. Sadly, there already have been dozens, if not hundreds, of instances where rude and even violent confrontations have occurred under some ridiculously false mantle of rights.
Pet owners understand and respect private businesses’ right to admit only “assistance” animals. As do people who are asked not to bring food or beverages on premise. As do patrons who may not agree with but nevertheless abide by reasonable dress codes.
Business owners shouldn’t be forced to expose themselves, their employees or their customers to a deadly virus.
I, for one, will continue to wear my mask, always, in places of business, without regard to that businesses’ preferences (assuming I patronize them). I will strive to keep me and mine a tad bit safer than the idiots — such as the current president — who take a fundamentally responsible action and make it a cause for division and rancor.
Richard Wolfe
Park Township
Read More: Letter: Meanwhile, wear a mask, guys – Opinion – Monroe News – Monroe, Michigan