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Understanding the Law of averages and financial success

During my time working in the post office, a job that might seem mundane at first glance, I discovered valuable life lessons that would later prove to be the building blocks of financial success. As I delivered countless magazines and catalogs to households, I found myself unwittingly immersed in the fascinating world of the Law of Averages. This seemingly ordinary job revealed extraordinary insights into how the law operates, and these lessons continue to resonate with me to this day.

Every day, as I sorted through piles of mail, I couldn’t help but wonder why so many credit card offers, advertisements, and promotional materials filled my delivery bags. The sheer volume of mailers, coupled with the knowledge that a significant portion of them would inevitably find their way into the trash, begged the question: Why do companies persist in these costly campaigns? The answer was remarkably simple yet profoundly transformative – they understood the Law of Averages, a principle that is not just the secret to financial success but a philosophy that has the power to reshape our lives.

Understanding the Law of Averages

The Law of Averages is a well-established principle in the world of sales and marketing. It’s a simple yet powerful concept that underlies the success of countless businesses. At its core, this law can be succinctly summarized with the phrase “more equals more.” In other words, the more attempts you make, the more likely you are to achieve your desired outcome. Let’s dive deeper into how this principle works and why it’s the cornerstone of financial success.

The Power of Repetition

Imagine you receive a stack of credit card offers in your mailbox. Each offer costs the sender a significant amount of money, from printing and design to postage. Yet, they keep coming, week after week. Why? It’s because the sender understands the Law of Averages.

Let’s illustrate this with a simple example:

Example: Suppose a credit card company sends out 100,000 mailers at an average cost of $2 per piece. That’s an initial investment of $200,000. Now, let’s assume that only 2% of the recipients respond positively to the offer, resulting in 2,000 new customers. If each customer generates $1,000 in revenue for the company, that’s $2 million in revenue. Even after accounting for the initial investment, the company has still made a substantial profit.

This example demonstrates how the Law of Averages operates in the real world. By sending out a large number of mailers, companies increase their chances of finding potential customers. While most of the mailers may not yield a response, the law ensures that some will, making the overall effort financially worthwhile.

The Law of Averages in Action

Let’s take a look at how the Law of Averages is actively employed in various fields, including sales, marketing, and beyond:

1. Sales and Cold Calling

In the realm of sales, the Law of Averages is omnipresent. Salespeople make numerous calls and pitches every day, knowing that not every prospect will convert into a customer. However, the law dictates that with more attempts, the likelihood of securing a sale increases.

2. Direct Marketing

Direct marketing, like the credit card offers we receive, relies heavily on the Law of Averages. By sending out bulk mailers, companies ensure that their message reaches a broad audience, increasing the probability of finding interested customers.

3. Digital Advertising

Even in the digital realm, where costs can be lower, the Law of Averages is at work. Online advertisers cast a wide net by displaying ads to thousands or even millions of potential customers, knowing that only a fraction will engage or make a purchase.

Real-Life Success Stories

The power of the Law of Averages is vividly showcased in numerous success stories. One famous example is the fast-food giant McDonald’s. They understand that not every customer walking through their doors will order an extra-large meal with a soft drink, yet by serving billions of customers worldwide, they have become an iconic symbol of the “more equals more” principle.

Embracing the Law for Financial Success

To unlock the secrets of financial success in your own life, it’s essential to understand and embrace the Law of Averages. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a salesperson, or a professional, persistence and consistency are key. Keep sending out those proposals, making those calls, or reaching out to potential clients. The more you try, the greater your chances of success.

Remember, the Law of Averages is not about mindlessly casting a wide net. It’s about informed and targeted efforts. Use data and analytics to refine your approach and increase your odds of success. Keep track of what works and what doesn’t, and adapt your strategy accordingly.

The Practical Application of the Law of Averages

To make the Law of Averages work for you, it’s important to apply it intelligently. Here are some practical steps to harness its power:

1. Set Clear Goals

Start by defining your goals. Whether you aim to increase your income, boost sales, or achieve any other financial milestone, knowing what you want to achieve is the first step. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound.

2. Develop a Strategy

Once you have your goals in place, craft a strategy. This strategy should outline how you will apply the Law of Averages to reach your objectives. For example, if you’re a salesperson, determine how many calls or meetings you need to make each day to increase your chances of closing deals.

3. Collect Data

Data is your greatest ally in understanding the effectiveness of your efforts. Track your results meticulously. This data will reveal patterns, allowing you to optimize your approach. If you’re in direct marketing, monitor response rates to tailor your campaigns accordingly.

4. Learn from Failures

Don’t be disheartened by failures. In fact, failures are a crucial part of the process. The Law of Averages tells us that not every attempt will succeed. Use your failures as opportunities for learning and improvement. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your strategy, and try again.

5. Be Persistent

Persistence is the golden rule of the Law of Averages. Consistently and persistently make efforts towards your goals. Remember, every ‘no’ or unsuccessful attempt brings you closer to the ‘yes’ or success you seek.

Real-Life Examples of Success through the Law of Averages

1. Thomas Edison’s Invention of the Light Bulb

Thomas Edison famously made thousands of unsuccessful attempts before he finally invented the practical incandescent light bulb. Each failure brought him one step closer to success. He once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

2. Amazon’s E-commerce Dominance

Amazon is a prime example of a company that thrives on the Law of Averages. It started as an online bookstore and expanded its offerings to include nearly everything. Jeff Bezos knew that even if only a small percentage of internet users shopped on his platform, the sheer number of users online would ensure success.

3. Job Seekers and the Law of Averages

Job seekers often face rejection in their search for employment. However, those who apply to a larger number of positions are statistically more likely to secure a job. This principle holds true, especially when considering the wide array of variables in the job market.

Conclusion: Unlocking Your Path to Financial Success

The Law of Averages is not a magic wand; it’s a proven principle grounded in statistics and human behavior. It’s the secret behind countless success stories and the driving force behind the relentless pursuit of goals and dreams. By understanding, applying, and embracing the Law of Averages in your own life, you can open the door to financial success.

So, the next time you find a piece of mail in your mailbox, remember that it’s not just paper and ink; it’s a tangible representation of a principle that can transform your financial future. Embrace the power of the Law of Averages, set your goals, develop your strategy, and persistently work towards them. With each attempt, you’re one step closer to achieving your financial aspirations and unlocking the secret to financial success.

Written by Paul Valcin, founder of

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