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Top retirement planning tips everyone can follow to save more money, even in a

The extreme fear, disruption, and volatility our nation has endured over the past several months remind us that nothing should be taken for granted. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are understandably more concerned about meeting their long-term financial goals and ensuring financial security for themselves and their families.

A survey published in April 2020 by the National Endowment for Financial Education found that almost 90% of Americans are experiencing financial stress due to the coronavirus outbreak—and 23% of respondents identified not having enough retirement savings as one of the major concerns causing them stress.

Despite the present uncertainty, there are concrete steps Americans of all ages can take today and going forward to preserve and increase their retirement savings—ensuring they have much brighter prospects for living the lives they want to live in retirement while covering necessary expenses such as health care or long-term care.

Below are tips that everyone can follow to save more for retirement, regardless of market conditions:


Consolidate Your 401(k) Savings As You Change Jobs: The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) estimates that most Americans will switch employers at least seven times over the course of a 40-year working life.

At a time when our country’s workforce is more mobile than ever before, workers need to keep track of multiple 401(k) savings accounts.

Cashing out 401(k) assets after changing jobs can decrease retirement savings over the long term. According to a study conducted by Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research, premature withdrawals reduce your total 401(k) savings by 25% on average.

To better illustrate the loss, our team at Retirement Clearinghouse, LLC has analyzed retirement services industry data and found that a hypothetical 30-year-old worker who cashes out a $5,000 401(k) balance today would lose up to $52,000 that the $5,000 sum would have accrued, through compound interest, by the time the worker turned 65 (assuming that the account would have grown at 7% per year).

Leaving 401(k) savings behind when you change jobs can also diminish your retirement outcomes. Even though your savings remain invested in the U.S. retirement system if you leave it in your former employer’s plan, the account is still subject to fees.

New England Pension Consultants reported in its 11th annual defined contribution (DC) plan survey that the median recordkeeping fee for among DC plans is $57. If the same hypothetical 30-year-old changes jobs and leaves behind $5,000 in 401(k) savings in their prior employer’s plan, they would lose an estimated $2,052 in fees on that account over the next 35 years.


But in addition to the fees, that hypothetical worker is also forfeiting compounded savings that the $2,052 in fees would have earned. Again assuming the stranded 401(k) account would have grown by 7% per year, the $2,052 in fees on the account would have increased to $8,488.07 by the time the worker turned 65.

To maximize your retirement savings as you move from job to job, you can roll your 401(k) savings from your prior employer’s plan into the active 401(k) account in your new employer’s plan at the start of your employment. Your plan should allow it—according to the Plan Sponsor Council of America’s 61st annual survey of retirement plans, 95.6% of 401(k) plans accept rollovers from other 401(k) plans. Ask your new employer’s benefits department or plan recordkeeper about consolidating your 401(k) savings through a rollover transaction.

Keep Your Mailing Address Current in 401(k) Plan Recordkeeper Files: When you strand a 401(k) savings account in a prior employer’s plan after switching jobs, the account may not stay there forever. Under the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA) of 2001, defined contribution plan sponsors have the right to automatically roll stranded 401(k) savings accounts from former employees with less than $5,000 out of their plans, and into safe-harbor IRAs. However, these investment vehicles are generally principal-protected products like money market funds, which are the only default investment choices permissible under EGTRRA.


In the current low-interest-rate environment, many principal-protected products have generated quite low returns. In…

Read More: Top retirement planning tips everyone can follow to save more money, even in a

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