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The blueprint for the future monetary system

To the editor:

A fundamental reimagining of the existing financial banking system and global commerce was the centerpiece of the Keynote speech by Agustin Carstens, the general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in Singapore on February 22, 2023. He envisioned central banks as the guardians of the public trust in money. Central banks are, therefore, best positioned to foresee what the future of money should look like, and they intend to make a new financial infrastructure with a “Unified Ledger.”

The simple translation in common parlance is central banks are going “all in” on Central Bank Digital Currencies—not to be out performed by the private sector. Meanwhile, the crypto sphere provides a glimpse into promising technological advances; the BIS has serious concerns about decentralized, unregulated intermediaries taking on a role in the banking sector, as seigniorage is an important source of revenue for the government. If the same technological advances could be usurped and controlled by the central bank, however, this could become a significant first step in Agustin Carstens’s financial utopia.

For years, the BIS has quietly deliberated on how to build a better technological grid of control of all assets—not just monetary. Their goal has been to inventory all finances, commodities, land, timber, houses, water, etc. on one ledger under their exclusive management and control. On June 20, 2023, the BIS published “The Blueprint for the Future Monetary System: improving the old, enabling the new.” This Unified Ledger system, if implemented, will accomplish their long-awaited goal: complete control of all global natural resources. This comprehensive blueprint gives new meaning to the World Economic Forum’s mantra: “By 2030, you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

One might question the timing and hubris of the guardians of the public trust when G-7 countries are teetering on a global debt crisis, BRICS nations are about to roll out a new currency, and the United States just had a significant downgrade in their bond market by Fitch Rating Agency.

Two years ago, the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) and the New York Stock Exchange teamed up to develop a new asset class: Natural Asset Companies (NACs). These NACs intend to revolutionize our natural world—and its beauty as we know it—and turn our air, land, water, and sea into commodities to be sold on the NYSE. The precursor to this occurred when Wall Street turned the sanctuary of our personal homes into mortgage-backed securities as they sliced, diced, and bundled houses together and sold them as MBS securities on Wall Street, causing a shortage in housing and a commensurate rise in price.

As these NACs are traded on Wall Street to maximize profits for shareholders, they will most likely be sold to the public under the usual guise of benevolent intentions, such as: “an urgent need to develop a new form of sustainable investment to save the planet.” The only question that remains is whether the public will nod and acquiesce as Central Banks take greater control of our lives through CBDCs under the pretense of saving our planet, while allowing corporations to “hold the legal rights to the entire ecosystem” that we all depend on. I am guessing Oliver Anthony’s ballad for the heart and soul of America may offer a prophetic insight in response to that question: “Rich Men North of Richmond.” As his song sweeps across the nation and the world with over 20 million views, it sounds like a margin call on Congress to re-collateralize the American Dream.

Fed Now is a pre-requisite to the rollout of the Unified Ledger; it was quietly unveiled on July 20, 2023. However, central banks enjoy complete immunity protection under Article 14, a Swiss Agreement signed at the Hague Conference in 1930, in case things don’t work-out as planned. As central banks intend to profit by tokenizing your house and assets, under the ESG movement, ignorance will be blissful, until the consequences rain down hard. History has confirmed: Freedom and liberty come at a high price as we approach the 250th anniversary of the founding of our nation.

Lucinda Shmulsky
New Marlborough

Read More: The blueprint for the future monetary system

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