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Reader Opinion: Math – Brainerd Dispatch

Of all of the things going on in the world, perhaps a single-solving constant and a continually gathering thread that brings people together with committed commonality is math.

Five is the same there as five is here.

Even while political parties rise and fall, economies boom and bust, popular idols rise and fall, monies inflate and then deflate — math remains constant, enduring and unaffected.

Five is the same here as five is there.

It is often that differing currencies, as with differing ideas, have differing values.

There are (and there have always been) individuals and groups which have tried to make more of or less of targeted objects by distorting the “values” in willfully misstating and misapplying mistruths and then declaring it “math.”

That is not really math so much as a deceptively designed fluffy facsimile better known as “fuzzy math.”

While $1 is worth $1 – 1 ruble is worth 1 penny.

We do need to excel at “clear math” and we do need to better learn “life math.”

Are things adding up?

Philip L M Vaughan

Lake Edward Township

Read More: Reader Opinion: Math – Brainerd Dispatch

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