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Opinion: We must spay and neuter pets

We all know of Mississippi’s myriad of problems but there is one of immense proportion that goes unacknowledged and ignored. It affects every community in our state, rural and urban alike. The problem is that of unwanted cats and dogs. And even though it is completely preventable, there are persistent factors that keep perpetuating it. While the situation eventually falls on the shoulders of cities and counties, many of them ignore the situation.

For perspective, 1.5 million unwanted animals are euthanized in this country every year in shelters alone, with Mississippi ranking number one in this heart wrenching statistic, at 18.3%. And while “rescuing” these innocent creatures is a noble endeavor; it is not the ultimate answer. Rescuing is akin to bailing water from a leaking boat; you might stay afloat but the boat will still continue to fill with water. The only true “fix” is to repair the leak in the boat. 

So, what is the ultimate “fix” for Mississippi’s countless unwanted cats and dogs? The answer is SPAY AND NEUTER. It’s simple, quick, and 100% effective. Why then, aren’t more pet owners responsible in this regard?

As stated, various factors play into this including: a lack of local affordable veterinary services, cultural mindset, lax laws concerning animal welfare, and an overall lack of awareness, just to name a few.

Think about this: one male and one female dog and their generations of offspring can in just six years, reproduce 56,000 animals! And cats are even more prolific! What’s more, feral cats are responsible for the death of 1.5 billion birds every year. 

Mankind domesticated cats and dogs between 18,000 and 35,000 years ago at which time, they became our responsibility. It is past time that we Mississippians rise to the occasion and do what is right by these innocent and loving souls. 

If you want to check for spay and neuter services in your area, visit https://www.msspan.-org/locate_services.

If there are no such services in your community, you may want to consider starting a spay and neuter group yourself. To learn more, visit

Camille Wright is a Northsider.

Read More: Opinion: We must spay and neuter pets

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